Ordinary World Problems

What is Ordinary World Problems

Ordinary World Problems is a mobile game concept that we have created. We hope to develop this game in the future when we have found the right people and the money to do so.

Take a look at our run through video for the concept prototype below.

Within Ordinary World Problems you’ll get to explore Ordinary World, meet its characters, encounter creatures and discover hidden mysteries.

If you’re a fan of Reigns but love the hidden secrets of Super Mario World and want to collect characters and achievements, this is the game for you.

How you can help

To make this a reality, any of the following things would be useful. If you want to get involved and are able to add value then get in touch. Some ways you might be able to help are if you:

Can develop games and apps for mobile
Own a game studio and want to collaborate on this
Are a game designer and want to help
Go on join me and get this idea off the ground!


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