The Town of Ur

At present there is one Ordinary World main town. This town a gathering place for people for miles around and home to many peculiar residents. It has some bizarre laws and even stranger customs. This town is a chaotic but well meaning place. It’s chocked full of characters and weirdos as well as some of the key characters in our stories.

The working name for this town is Ur, named after one of the cities that it is argued could be the first city ever established on earth and was originally in Mesopotamia.

What does the town look like?

Here is a sketch of the town. It lies at the foot of The Motte and cascades towards a river that pours to the sea.

To the North is marshland, to the South is wasteland, to the West is forest and to the East is river and ocean. Each of these numbers has been designated as a place of business, a municipal building or a home. Maybe you’d like to take a guess or let your imagination run wild as to what these buildings might be. The infrastructure of the town is quite unusual, as are the people. As a result, you might think them backward, but you might also think that they’re quite modern and free.

Ordinary World on Minecraft

Elle and Dexy and I have even modelled this town in Minecraft. If you’re lucky, we’ll post a walkthrough of in the near future. Our Minecraft version extends beyond the city to the ocean and the great forest. It even covers the Cheese Goblin’s mountain, Lord Snoots’ manor, Shuttleworth’s pigeon coop and more.

In the meantime, if you ask us what any number on the map is, we’ll tell you, so go ahead and ask.


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